Jumat, 25 Maret 2011

Denger Lagu Ini Bikin Semangat

Iseng-iseng ngebongkar lihat isi harddisk, eh tiba-tiba keinget satu lagu lama yang kemungkinan sih udah jadul banget. Timbul niatan buat nyari lagu itu.

Sebuah judul yang muncul setelah mencari beberapa lama, akhirnya lagu itu ketemu.
Ya, "Through Her Eyes - Dream Theater"

She never really had a chance
On that fateful moonlit night
Sacrificed without a fight
A victim of her circumstance

Now that I've become aware

And I've exposed this tragedy
A sadness grows inside of me
It all seems so unfair

I'm learning all about my life

By looking through her eyes

Just beyond the churchyard gates

Where the grass is overgrown
I saw the writing on her stone
I felt like I would suffocate

In loving memory of our child

So innocent, eyes open wide
I felt so empty as I cried
Like part of me had died

I'm learning all about my life

By looking through her eyes

And as her image

Wandered through my head
I wept just like a baby
As I lay awake in bed

And I know what it's like

To lose someone you love
And this felt just the same

She wasn't given any choice

Desperation stole her voice
I've been given so much more in life
I've got a son, I've got a wife

I had to suffer one last time

To grieve for her and say goodbye
Relive the anguish of my past
To find out who I was at last

The door has opened wide

I'm turning with the tide
Looking through her eyes

Ga tau aja, kok tiba-tiba semangat dengerin lagu ini.
Ada beberapa kenangan akan lagu ini sih, masa acara perpisahan SMP dulu, nyanyi di kamar mandi, waktu depresi di Jakarta, nonton livenya Dream Theater, diajarin main gitar pertama kalinya pake lagu ini dan sampai sekarang masih belum bisa juga hehehehe...

Yah semoga lagu ini bisa membuat semangat yang lain juga.
Setiap orang punya penyemangat yang berbeda-beda, bisa dari lagu, cita-cita, makanan, banyak yang lainnya dah.
Menurutku pribadi, harmoni dari sebuah lagu dapat membuat kita semangat, tergantung bagaimana cara kita memahami harmoni nada yang ada...

Coba saja, sapa tahu bisa menjadi penyemangat para orang lewat.
try on!!!

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